The ANDRILL (ANtarctic geological DRILLing) research is the "ancestor" of the SWAIS2C project (together with the earlier Cape Roberts Project). ANDRILL was developed within the framework of the 4th International Polar Year (2007-2008). During its two drilling campaigns (2006-2008) the ANDRILL project retrieved paleoclimatic records that shed a unique light on the climate history of our planet.

The related educational project named ARISE (ANDRILL Research Immersion Science Experience) involved thousands of educators and teachers from the four participant nations (USA, Germany, New Zealand, Italy) and produced a plethora of educational resources and projects. In this section, you can find a fine selection of the best educational resources produced at that time, which have not been available online for several years. These resources are still effective and useful to convey the scientific topics of SWAIS2C research such as: polar geography, paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental reconstruction, drilling operations and procedures, and ice sheet and ice shelf dynamics.

The scientific data and educational material produced by the ANDRILL research has been used by other scientific education organizations over the following years as a foundation for designing and developing integrated educational modules on paleoclimatic research. The Flexhibit KIT This is a set of 14 activities specifically designed for autonomous use by students, with the purpose of organizing a school exhibit (according to the Project Based method) aimed at explaining methods and results of the polar paleoclimatic research (such as the SWAIS2C and ANDRILL projects).

These activities require simple and low-cost materials that you can find in a normal grocery store. This kit has been widely used by dozens of schools in different countries as well as in informal science educational events across the world. Currently available in English and Italian.


climet secrets

Antarctica’s Climate Secrets

Hands-on Activities for Hosting a Showcase of Antarctic Climate Research

L’Antartide e i Segreti del Clima

Attività di laboratorio per allestire una mostra sulla ricerca climatica in Antartide