If you are a journalist and would like to speak to any of the team who are on-ice (Dec 2024 - Jan 2025 and Dec 2025 - Jan 2026) please contact us at swaiscomms@gns.cri.nz for more information. 

Media clippings
Proyecto SWAIS2C: Del pasado al futuro del Hielo de la Antártida Occidental

Proyecto SWAIS2C: Del pasado al futuro del Hielo de la Antártida Occidental

15 November 2023

Un emocionante proyecto de colaboración internacional, conocido como «Sensibilidad de la WAIS a 2°C» (SWAIS2C), está en marcha para arrojar luz sobre la respuesta de la Hoja de Hielo de…

Media clippings
New Research Reveals Potential to Prevent Collapse of West Antarctic Ice Sheet

New Research Reveals Potential to Prevent Collapse of West Antarctic Ice Sheet

14 November 2023

A groundbreaking international research project, known as the Sensitivity of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet to Two Degrees of Warming (SWAIS2C), has shed light on the preventability of the collapse…

Media clippings
What will happen when (and if) the WAIS collapses?

What will happen when (and if) the WAIS collapses?

14 November 2023

Recent science has shown it is inevitable that the warming Southern Ocean will speed up the melting of parts of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) regardless of our future…

Media clippings
Researchers believe the collapse of West Antarctic ice sheet is preventable: Report

Researchers believe the collapse of West Antarctic ice sheet is preventable: Report

14 November 2023

A group of international researchers believe the collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) which is projected to lose mass due to climate change and global ocean warming and…

Media clippings
Antartide: una missione scientifica nel ghiaccio antartico per capire il nostro futuro sulla Terra

Antartide: una missione scientifica nel ghiaccio antartico per capire il nostro futuro sulla Terra

14 November 2023

Il 16 novembre, un gruppo di ricercatori e tecnici di perforazione partirà da Christchurch (NZ) per l'Antartide per realizzare il progetto internazionale denominato SWAIS2C (Sensitivity of the West Antarctic Ice…

Media clippings
Melting West Antarctic Ice Sheet: A Ticking Time Bomb

Melting West Antarctic Ice Sheet: A Ticking Time Bomb

13 November 2023

The West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) is melting due to the warming of the global ocean, a phenomenon that threatens to cause a significant rise in global sea levels.

Media clippings
We can still prevent the collapse of the West Antarctic ice sheet – if we act fast to keep future warming in check

We can still prevent the collapse of the West Antarctic ice sheet – if we act fast to keep future warming in check

13 November 2023

Projecting when and how fast the West Antarctic Ice Sheet will lose mass due to current and future global ocean warming – and the likely impact on sea level rise…

Media clippings
Perforan en el interior de la Antártida Occidental para comprobar estabilidad

Perforan en el interior de la Antártida Occidental para comprobar estabilidad

12 November 2023

El próximo jueves 16 de noviembre, un equipo internacional de investigadores y expertos en perforaciones partirá de Christchurch (Nueva Zelanda) rumbo a la Antártida para perforar hasta 200 metros en…

Media clippings
Was ein Bohrkern aus der Westantarktis mit dem Meeresspiegelanstieg zu tun hat

Was ein Bohrkern aus der Westantarktis mit dem Meeresspiegelanstieg zu tun hat

12 November 2023

Forscher sind in einer empfindlichen Region der Westantarktis unterwegs. Ihr Verhalten ist entscheidend für den Anstieg des Meeresspiegels in der Zukunft. Die Forscher wollen einen Sedimentkern bohren. Original article

Media clippings
NUOVA ZELANDA/Al via studio sull’Antartide che potrebbe svelare i segreti dei cambiamenti climatici

NUOVA ZELANDA/Al via studio sull’Antartide che potrebbe svelare i segreti dei cambiamenti climatici

12 November 2023

Gli scienziati conoscono meglio la Luna dell’Antartide. Pare incredibile, ma è proprio così.
